Những cách thể hiện nỗi vui mừng bằng tiếng Anh

Minh Hanh2

Tham gia
Bài viết
Trong Tiếng Anh, có rất nhiều các để diễn tả hạnh phúc, tùy vào từng bối cảnh.
Sau đây chúng ta cùng tham khảo một số các diễn tả niềm vui mừng nhé, rất hữu dụng khi giao tiếp Tiếng Anh đấy nha.

1. Happy: The two children were playing happily in the garden.
2. Content: All he need is a good book to read and he is quite content.
3. Be on the top of the world: Everything’s going well for him now and he is on the top of the world.
4. Cheerful: She seemed a typical farmer’s wife, always cheerful and energetic.
5. Pleased: I was very pleased to hear you’re well again.
6. Glad: She was glad that the birthday party was a success.
7. Thrilled: Julie looked thrilled when she heard that she was going to Paris for a week.
8. Delight: Her face showed great delight when thay arrived at the beach.
9. Brighten up: Mrs. Verity brightened up at the news.
10. Make sb’s day: Getting a telephone call from my daughter in Australia made my day
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