Describe a new law you would implement


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You should say:
  • what law it will be
  • will it be easy to introduce
  • if it will be popular
  • And explain why you think it would

Sample answer

The new law I would propose involves mandatory classification of garbage into distinct categories such as organic, recyclable, and non-recyclable waste. This initiative would be crucial for better waste management and environmental conservation in Vietnam.
Introducing such a law would likely be difficult. It requires substantial changes at various levels, including household practices, municipal waste collection systems, and recycling facilities. People would need to be educated about the importance and methods of waste segregation, which could be challenging in areas lacking current waste management infrastructure.
Despite the initial challenges, I believe that this law would eventually become popular. As citizens begin to see the tangible benefits of reduced pollution and enhanced sustainability in their communities, the public's attitude towards waste classification is likely to grow more positive.
I think this law would be beneficial because it addresses several critical issues in Vietnam. Firstly, it would significantly reduce the volume of waste sent to landfills, many of which are nearing capacity. Secondly, by recycling more materials, we can conserve natural resources and reduce the environmental impact of extracting and processing new materials. Thirdly, proper waste segregation can reduce pollution, including greenhouse gases released from decomposing organic waste in landfills, thus contributing to the fight against climate change.
Overall, while the law's introduction might be challenging and met with initial resistance, its long-term benefits for environmental sustainability and public health would make it a popular and essential policy in Vietnam.

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